Maywood Preservation Action Committee

MAY 1,2022  

Thank you for once again looking out for Maywood. So many of you stayed the course and helped bring new members to MPAC.


Ask your neighbors to register. Past the word to attend, this is not good for Maywood. What would Opie do in Mayberry?
Aunt Bea said,common sense says it is wrong. Let's all look for that wrong.


Maywood Preservation Action Committee (MPAC) est.1976
           Peter Rossi,   President  201-845-3916
Michael Mangone , Vice President
To All MPAC Members and Maywood Residents:


 Peter Rossi, President , 201-845-3916

Micheal Mangone, Vice Presdent ,

John Strommer , Charge D'Affaire,




PS: We would also like your input in establishing a list of persons and companies that are positive or detrimental to our hometown.    
Ask your neighbors to register.
If development is needed to help Maywood grow, how about letting it happen along Route 17 or in the empty commercial lots.  Not in our back yards.


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